M4 PDF Extensions
v3.5.4 (2024-12-17)
- Fixed display of the Extra Options panel (PrestaShop 1.6 in conjunction with a language where there is an apostrophe in the template name - e.g. French)
- Fixed error in templates m4_invoice_5.tpl and m4_invoice_discount.tpl, which occurred if invoice contains zero tax rate
v3.5.3 (2024-11-29)
- Added displaying and filtering of the delivery slips by issue date in the module administration on the Orders with details, Invoices tab
- Fixed a problem with cookies on certain settings and in some browsers with "Admin login required" error
- Fixed PDF hook call chaining
- Fixed generation of bulk delivery slips on the Delivery slips page (only for large number of documents)
- Fixed rare "divide by zero" error occurring when the total price of a document is zero
- Removed calls to deprecated Tools::stripslashes() method (PrestaShop 8.0 and newer)
v3.5.2 (2024-10-15)
- Fixed "There was an error" error when generating PDF in eshop or administration if PHP is set too restrictive error reporting and such error occurs (typically PHP Notice)
v3.5.1 (2024-07-12)
- Increased security (preventing PHP scripts from running in the template directory)
v3.5.0 (2024-06-21)
- Fully compatible with PHP version 8.3
- mPDF library has been updated to version 8.2.4
- Fixed bug in logo display in extraleft.tpl file
- Fixed pagination and filtering of credit notes in module administration (PHP only in strict mod)
- Fixed missing Normalizer class
- Increased security when generating security tokens
v3.4.4 (2024-04-08)
- Fixed printing of invoices in the selected language on the Invoices page (PrestaShop 1.7.7 and newer)
v3.4.3 (2024-01-18)
v3.4.2 (2024-01-11)
- Modifications to the appearance of the filter in all tables in the module administration to eliminate problems with the display of filtered values
v3.4.1 (2023-12-06)
- Fixed error sending original invoice on "Resend email" action on the order detail page
- Fixed rare "division by zero" error occurring when zeroing out a price for some tax rates
v3.4.0 (2023-10-06)
- Fully compatible with PHP version 8.2
- The mPDF library has been updated to version 8.2.0
- Fixed the layout of the fields on the File names tab in the module administration
v3.3.8 (2023-09-13)
- Fixed displaying the Extra Options block in the administration on Orders, Invoices etc. pages (PrestaShop 8.0.0 and newer)
v3.3.7 (2023-07-14)
- Added displaying the template filename next to the template name to reduce uncertainty when selecting a template
v3.3.6 (2023-07-06)
- Fixed error "Invalid $number parameter: "NAN" cannot be interpreted as a number", which can occur with inconsistent order data
v3.3.5 (2023-05-24)
- Fixed sending invoice by email even if it happens when order status changes in module administration (PrestaShop and newer)
- Fixed display of customized products in all invoice templates if there are multiple identical products in one invoice (PrestaShop 1.7.0 and newer)
v3.3.4 (2023-02-06)
v3.3.3 (2022-12-12)
- Fixed missing display of discounts for 29 invoice and credit slip templates that use Smarty "math" function (PrestaShop and newer)
v3.3.2 (2022-10-24)
- Added frequently asked questions to the Help tab
- Improved code security
v3.3.1 (2022-10-11)
- Compatibility extended with PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0
- Fixed 10 templates that use Smarty "math" function to calculate block position (PrestaShop and newer)
v3.3.0 (2022-10-06)
- Fully compatible with PHP version 7.4
- The mPDF library has been updated to version 8.1.2
- Image links in templates no longer have a file:// protocol (required by new version of mPDF library)
- Fixed bulk creation of documents on Invoices and Delivery Slips pages (PrestaShop and newer)
v3.2.8 (2022-09-23)
- Fixed display of Settings page in module administration (PrestaShop and newer)
- Fixed message "Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated" (PHP 7.4 with deprecated code settings)
v3.2.7 (2022-04-06)
- Fixed invoice and credit note templates that now do not show deleted discount codes (PrestaShop 1.7.7 and newer)
- Fixed PDF catalog creation on product and category detail pages in some cases (anonymous page, etc.)
v3.2.6 (2022-02-08)
- Fixed sending all invoices by email when changing order status in module administration
v3.2.5 (2021-11-09)
- Fixed printing of invoices on the Invoices page (PrestaShop 1.7.8 only)
v3.2.4 (2021-09-17)
- Fixed printing of invoices and delivery notes on the Orders page (PrestaShop 1.7.7 only)
v3.2.3 (2021-05-20)
- Fixed selection of correct template for invoice, credit clip and order return in some cases (PrestaShop 1.7.7 only)
- Fixed using the selected language in the language selection block in the administration in some cases (PrestaShop 1.7.7 only)
- Fixed displaying languages in the Extra Options in Back Office
v3.2.2 (2021-02-11)
- Fixed a rare Fatal error: Uncaught ...ServiceNotFoundException: The service "theme_manager" has a dependency on a non-existent service "employee"
- Fixed image background for the Catalog in grid, with categories template (m4_catalog_grid_category.tpl)
- Fixed occasional sending of the original invoice by email
v3.2.1 (2020-12-07)
v3.2.0 (2020-11-26)
- All features are now compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.7 and PHP 7.3
- Support for $HOOK_DISPLAY_PDF Smarty variable (all displayPDF* hooks)
- Introducing 3 independent style sheets that make it easy to change the look of your output
- Removed CmsController and CategoryController overrides without changing functionality
- Tooltip images updated to PrestaShop 1.7 look
- Checked all templates, fixed some and improved most ones
- Added "how to do" instructions for new features offered by the module - Settings tab
- Preset default templates on the Settings tab after installation
- Fixed doubled customization data in some cases
v3.1.5 (2020-07-23)
- Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).size is not a function" on the Orders page, which prevents printing using the Extra Options panel (latest version of PrestaShop 1.7)
v3.1.4 (2020-02-06)
- Added 'shippingCostByRate' to the tax breakdown
- Fixed Extra Options style in the Back Office on some pages (PrestaShop 1.7)
- Fixed syntax error in template m4_returnslip.tpl on line 218
v3.1.3 (2020-01-06)
- Optimized memory usage
- Added Slovak translation
- Fixed bug caused by re-registering Smarty Modifier when order is completed (PrestaShop 1.7 and another module with PDF output is active)
- Fixed bug when using Debug Template (PrestaShop to
- Fixed the template list appearance (only when Ap PageBuilder is installed)
v3.1.2 (2019-10-15)
- Smarty modifier "sortby", which allows to sort lists in templates, takes into account accented characters (is completely compatible with UTF-8)
- Fixed the display of the number of items in the Products template (m4_products.tpl)
- Increased PHP parameters pcre.backtrack_limit and pcre.recursion_limit for creating very large PDF files (typically product catalog)
v3.1.1 (2019-08-29)
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.6
- Fixed an occasional problem with completing download of a larger PDF file (nginx)
v3.1.0 (2019-06-12)
- Added the ability to generate PDF document for selected orders by selected template on the orders page (Extra Options must be enabled)
- Added the ability to select the compact display mode of the "Extra Options" panel
- Fixed bug when enabling module if new version was uploaded via FTP (PrestaShop 1.7)
- Fixed installation error "Cannot enable module m4pdf. Unable to install override: directory (.../controllers/front/listing) not writable"
v3.0.3 (2019-06-10)
- Fixed displaying combinations of "Catalog with attributes", "Catalog with attributes and features", "Catalog grouped by default categories, all data" a "Catalog labels 32x57 mm, Dymo 11354" templates (version 3.0.0 and later)
- Fixed rounding of tax rate for gift wrapping
v3.0.2 (2019-05-06)
- Added configuration values shop_main_domain and shop_main_domain_ssl in template data, usable in Multistore
- ixed image width in catalog templates (PrestaShop 1.7)
- Fixed the number of pieces in the catalog templates (Multistore, sharing of stock)
v3.0.1 (2019-02-25)
- Fixed PDF Button faulty error on the Category page (PrestaShop 1.7)
- Fixed an occasional error Warning: file(.../modules/m4pdf/override/controllers/front/listing/CategoryController.php): No such file or directory (PrestaShop 1.7 in Debug mode)
- Fixed an error using the ~Debug template (PrestaShop 1.7.4 and later in Debug mode)
v3.0.0 (2019-02-04)
- Compatible with PrestaShop versions 1.6 and higher
- Compatible� with PHP versions from 5.6 to 7.3
- The mPDF library has been updated to version 7.1.8
- Core fonts are automatically installed
- QR code fonts and SWOP 2006 ICC profiles are already part of the module
- Using {foreach} instead of {section} in all templates for clearer code and sorting of items directly in the template
- Added mPDF system error displaying
- Image links are file-only to reduce HTTPS related issues
- Directory links (* _dir) have file:// protocol instead of http://
- Fixed sending of blank invoices and delivery strips by email (only on the Orders page with the Order Status filter)
- Removed code for older versions of PrestaShop
- Changes directory structure as recommended for PrestaShop 1.6 - 1.7
v2.5.0 (2019-01-24)
- Added ability to generate a PDF document based on the selected template on the order details page (Extra Options must be enabled)
- Fixed invoice creation on the Invoices page (PrestaShop 1.7.5)
- Fixed the PDF languge (extra options) block on some pages (PrestaShop 1.7)
v2.4.4 (2018-12-13)
- Added the ability to modify the status of the selected orders in the module administration
v2.4.3 (2018-11-19)
- Fixed order selection on the Invoices and Delivery slips pages
v2.4.2 (2018-11-13)
- Fixed duplicate customization data in orders (PrestaShop v1.6.0.12 and later, Multistore only)
v2.4.1 (2018-10-24)
- Fixed list filtering in the module administration
- Fixed missing translated strings, formatted numbers and other Smarty function outputs (PrestaShop 1.7.4 only)
v2.4.0 (2018-10-04)
- Added the ability to select records to create a bulk PDF in the module administration
- Fixed Debug template output (PrestaShop 1.7)
- Fixed Features data (catalog, only Multistore)
v2.3.3 (2018-04-01)
- Improved compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7
- Overwritten way to download PDFs due to changes in the latest versions of multiple browsers
- Confirmation styles are now in a separate CSS file
- Fixed catalog printing on product and catalog pages and extra PDF in customer account (PrestaShop 1.7 only)
- Domain name testing changed from SERVER_NAME to HTTP_HOST due to seldom error in webserver configuration
v2.3.2 (2018-01-18)
- Smarty function {factory} can create instances of all classes, not just classes extending from ObjectModel
- Fixed "PHP Notice: Undefined property: Customer::$id_customer in /modules/m4pdf/M4Object.php"
v2.3.1 (2017-08-22)
- Added credit_slip_prefix and return_prefix constants for system credit slip and order return prefixes
- When printing on the Orders > Invoices and Delivery slips pages, the documents are selected based on the date of issue the document, not the data of issue the order
v2.3.0 (2017-06-04)
- ! The module is needed to uninstall and reinstall the new version due to changes in the /override/classes/pdf/PDF.php file (only PrestaShop v1.6.0.12 and later)
- Support for sending delivery notes via email (PrestaShop v1.6.0.12 and later)
- Small changes of generated HTML code for better XHTML compatibility
v2.2.6 (2017-04-26)
- PrestaShop 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 compatible
- New template "Invoices enhanced with sortable items" (m4_invoice_5.tpl)
- New configuration values "invoice_use_year", "invoice_taxes_breakdown" and "pdf_img_invoice" for templates
- New option to choose the type of image used to save the memory needed to create the catalog (catalog templates)
- New custom page style for Table of Contents (catalog templates)
- Fixed amounts on the credit slip if the database contains an incorrect amount with tax (PrestaShop v1.6, an occasional issue)
- Fixed white page for the product page catalog in the Front Office (disabled module only)
- Fixed a bug in the "Catalog labels 32x57 mm, Dymo 11354" template - the attributes for the last item were incomplete for combinations
- Fixed display and filtering in the Displayed column (catalog, Multistore only)
- Fixed link to product page (some catalog templates)
- Fixed value $conf.currency_default (catalog, Multistore only)
v2.2.5 (2016-07-21)
- Fixed font problem after updating Adobe Reader DC (some accented characters are not displayed)
Read the upgrade instructions in UPGRADE.TXT first - Added links to the Changelog and Upgrade Instructions on the Help tab
v2.2.4 (2015-07-16)
- Fixed "Can't use function return value in write context in .../modules/m4pdf/m4pdf.php on line 2296" error
v2.2.3 (2015-07-14)
- Expanded price_breakdown data for credit slips, more information about compound taxes (for USA, Canada and other countries)
- New template "Credit slips - compound taxes", showing the individual taxes
- New data "Legal free text" for invoices - shop.invoice_legal_free_text (PrestaShop v1.6.1.0 and later)
- All invoice templates show "Legal free text" below order items
- Fixed doubled credit slip items (only if compound taxes are present)
- Voucher is shown when both free shipping and another discount is used in one cart rule
v2.2.2 (2015-05-26)
- Support for classes of the other modules (Installation tab)
- Support for multiple languages in a single template. Any text can include an optional Language parameter (ID or ISO).
examples: {l s='text to translate' lang=3 mod='m4pdf'}, {l s='text to translate' lang=fr mod='m4pdf'} - New template "Orders - preview" showing a comprehensive overview of the order
v2.2.1 (2015-04-23)
- Added displaing memory and time required to generate PDF (debug mode in module administration)
- Added CSS styles for the Table of Contents (catalog templates only)
- Fixed selecting a category for printing the catalog on category page
- Fixed "Template description not correct" when you save template in the online editor (rarely in PHP 5.3 and earlier versions)
v2.2.0 (2015-03-16)
- PrestaShop Cloud compatible
- mPDF library upgraded to version 5.7.4
The library is located under /modules/m4pdf/libraries/mpdf - New data total_amount_tax_excl, total_amount_tax_incl, unit_amount_tax_excl, unit_amount_tax_excl for invoice items
- All invoices templates now use the new data to accurately display the items in all versions of PrestaShop, including upgrades
- Naming amounts united on all invoices and credit slips
- Added product_feature data (Features) for orders/invoices
- New template "Invoices - product features"
- Full Multistore support of product_feature data for catalog
- Advanced data about logged user ($user)
- Unification of specific prices with product administration in "Catalog with specific prices, filtered" template (m4_catalog_specific_prices.tpl)
- Fixed file names in a language other than English
v2.1.4 (2015-01-30)
- Fixed total amount and tax breakdown in credit slips while applying vouchers (PrestaShop v1.6.0.11 and later)
- Fixed "Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to M4Product::displayRecurseCategory() must be an array", M4Category also (upgraded PrestaShop v1.5 and later)
v2.1.3 (2015-01-07)
- Accurate and comprehensive data for credit slips (older credit slip templates credits may not be fully compatible)
- Credit slip templates show accurately partial refunds and refund of shipping
- Credit slip templates include the option to display all order items for a partial refund
- Refined base amounts in the tax breakdown (credit slips only)
- Support for printing invoices and delivery slips, even if there are not in the database
- New template "Invoices - packs itemized"
- Fixed the block for language selection on the Order page (Italian only)
- mPDF library moved to /m4pdf/libraries folder
v2.1.2 (2014-12-22)
- Expanded price_breakdown data, more information about individual taxes
- New template "Invoices - EU electronic services", shows individual taxes to comply with Directive 2008/8/EC
- New template "Tax report", suits Directive 2008/8/EC
- New template "Tax report, CSV"
- New template "Tax report (grouped by days)"
- Added feature to set delivery slip file names in different languages (Orders)
- Template "Invoices with French legal notes" is no longer affected by the zones
- Improved behavior when the module is Disabled
- Fixed base price, when discount for the group of customers is applied (template "Invoices with discount" only)
- Fixed printing delivery notes on the Orders page (only module v2.1.1)
v2.1.1 (2014-12-01)
- Added support for single and double quotation marks in template names
- New template "Invoices - 75mm wide" for thermal printers
- Improved domain checking within installation (Multistore)
- Debug template also shows the SQL queries (in /config/ must be set define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);)
- Better coding standards compliance (changed the names of methods and variables, without affecting templates)
- Fixed proper displaying of images in invoices and delivery slips (in some cases in Multistore)
- Fixed more messages "PHP Notice" (server log and templates)
v2.1.0 (2014-10-15)
- Added support for Order returns - data, "Order returns" template (up to PrestaShop v1.5 is support only in module administration)
- Added "Transit time" data, alias Delay, for carriers
- Added "customer_message_all" data in orders/invoices - messages in all languages at once (PrestaShop v1.4 and later)
- Added Smarty function "factory" which returns an object instance
- All invoice templates now show "Footer text" at the bottom of the invoice
- New template "Invoices with discount"
- New template "Invoices with French legal notes"
- Fixed Base price ("Invoices with more columns" template, m4_invoice_4.tpl)
- Fixed translation in orders: shop.invoice_free_text, shop.invoice_prefix a shop.delivery_prefix
- Fixed message "You have an error in your SQL syntax" when setting Customer's language (only module v2.0.4 and later)
- Fixed more messages "PHP Notice" and "PHP Warning" (server log only)
v2.0.6 (2014-09-01)
- Added "parents_categories_reversed" and "parents_categories_level_reversed" data in catalogs
- New template "Orders, CSV" (export orders as HTML, copy the entire page and paste CSV to a text editor or Excel)
- New template "Catalog in grid, with categories"
- New template "Order items list"
- Fixed compound taxes data (only module v2.0.5 in some cases)
- The "Manage translations" block is now also displayed in PrestaShop v1.6.0.7 and later
v2.0.5 (2014-07-17)
- Fixed tax breakdown in invoices (only module v2.0.4 while multiple invoices generated at once)
- Fixed multiplied products in catalog templates (only module v1.9.6 and later, while individual categories set)
v2.0.4 (2014-07-01)
- Expanded price_breakdown data, more information about compound taxes (for USA, Canada and other countries)
- New template "Invoices - compound taxes", showing the individual taxes
- New template "Catalog labels 32x57 mm, Dymo 11354"
- Added Russian translation (thanks to Maxim Loginov)
- Fixed a rounding issue in credit slips in some cases
v2.0.3 (2014-06-04)
- Improved support for Multistore
Added "shop" data in orders (invoices) and credit slips
Added Smarty constant multishop_active describing activated shop
Added the store name in the list of orders in the administration of the module
Bulk printing of invoices and delivery slips in the administration of the module now supports Multistore settings
All templates now use the new data and displays the data of the specific store in Multistore - Addresses on all delivery slips and invoices are shown in the same form now
- More minor modifications in templates to improve the display of images
- New template "Invoices v2, non-zero" which prints orders with existing invoice together with non-zero total amount only
- All the templates for the administration module in the /modules/m4pdf/views/templates/admin folder was renamed to easier translations (PrestaShop v1.6)
- Fixed sorting of products in the "Catalog grouped by default categories, all data" template
- Fixed shop_price_final value for the catalog (PrestaShop v1.5 and later)
v2.0.2 (2014-05-07)
- Added "pack" data in catalogs
- Improved voucher data if Free shipping voucher is used (PrestaShop v1.5 and later)
- Improved all invoice templates, null voucher is not displayed
- New template "Catalog grouped by default categories, all data"
- New template "Delivery slips with product barcodes"
- Smarty function displayPrice has new parameter conversion_rate for currency conversion
- New template "Invoices - default currency breakdown"
- Added Danish translation (thanks to Michael Fakkelfabrikken)
- Added Greek translation (thanks to
- Added Italian translation (thanks to
- Fixed "Notice: Undefined index: m4pdf_pdf_id_supply_order in /modules/m4pdf/m4pdf.php on line 1832" notice
- Fixed "Notice: Undefined index: m4tpl_pdf_id_supply_order in /modules/m4pdf/m4pdf.php on line 1833" notice
v2.0.1 (2014-04-08)
- Added conditional calling get_called_class() PHP function (PHP older than v5.3.0)
- Fixed "PHP Fatal error: Class 'M4Object' not found in /modules/m4pdf/m4pdf.php on line 2835" error
- Fixed "Notice: Undefined index: template in /modules/m4pdf/pdf.php on line 168" notice
v2.0.0 (2014-03-27)
- Compatible with v1.6, rewritten for Bootstrap
Read the upgrade instructions in UPGRADE.TXT first
Changes in folder structure, images and JavaScript files moved into /img and /js subfolders - New template "Delivery slips with map"
- Added the invoice number and date to the list of orders in the administration of the module
- Images of "Invoices with images" and "Delivery slips with images" templates correspond with product combination
- Fixed displaying combinations in "Catalog with attributes" and "Catalog with attributes and features" templates
v1.9.6 (2014-01-23)
- New feature for creating PDF catalogs in the category detail page as well as any shop page (m4PDFCategory and m4PDFCatalog hooks)
Use at a CMS page specified in the "Catalog" template - New template "Category page", use specified in the template
- New template "Category page, multishop", use specified in the template
- New template "Catalog sorted by category organized in grid, price with tax"
- New template "Orders with Tax v2" for Orders (lists)
- Added feature to set invoice and credit slip file names in different languages (Front Office)
- Renamed templates from "Catalog page" to "Product page" and from "Catalog page, multishop" to "Product page, multishop"
- Added tooltips near the template settings in the administration of the module
- Added ability to enforce http/https protocol in image URL (force_protocol option in imageLink and productCoverImageLink)
- Dates are now formatted according to settings under the language administration (PrestaShop v1.4.5.0 and later)
- Fixed Pre-Tax product amounts in VAT breakdown (rare combination of amount, tax rate and PrestaShop version)
- Fixed the catalog for one product in the administration of the module in some cases (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed "Function displayDate() is deprecated" warning (PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.9.5 (2013-12-05)
- Added support for creating catalogs for independent shops in multishop
- New templates "Catalog, multishop" and "Catalog page, multishop"
- Fixed a problem with the translation in some cases (PrestaShop v1.4)
v1.9.4 (2013-11-12)
- Added a link to the page for translation in the administration of the module
- Fixed a problem with the translation of English texts in some cases
- Fixed proper displaying of product images in the administration of the module (Catalog, PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.9.3 (2013-10-15)
- Added "customer_message" data in orders/invoices (PrestaShop v1.4 and later)
- Added the link to the Quick Video Guide on YouTube in the administration of the module
- Fixed a display problem when no order history was saved within the order process
- Fixed missed icons in the administration of the module in PrestaShop v1.5.5.0
- Fixed an cookies issue in the administration of the module in Chrome
v1.9.2 (2013-09-27)
- New data about the customer or employee logged for all templates ($user)
- Fixed switching between templates and hidden templates
- Fixed product customization in case when more than one customization exist
- Changed displaying of image product customization
- Fixed duplicated items in supply orders (only PrestaShop v1.5 with multi-shop feature)
v1.9.1 (2013-09-10)
- Fixed missing texts for translation from templates in PrestaShop v1.5.5.0 (all templates improved)
to all Smarty tags for translation in your own templates, for example like this: {l s='no orders' mod='m4pdf'} - Added German translation (thanks to Mischa Spörer)
- Added Dutch translation (thanks to SD-Webdesign)
- Fixed displaying images in invoices in some cases (PrestaShop v1.4)
v1.9.0 (2013-08-28)
- Added online code editor for testing templates based on Ace
- Added subdirectory "Hidden templates" to hide unused templates.
- Templates can be copied, renamed, edited, hide and can be displayed the file name in administration
- The list of templates is expandable
- New templates "Orders with Tax" and "Orders with Tax, non-zero" for Orders (lists)
- Improved Debug template (greater readability, smaller memory footprint)
- Added "Footer text" data for invoices (PrestaShop v1.5)
- New Smarty modifier modulo_10_recursive to calculate the check digit (eg for Swiss Post)
- All invoice and delivery slip templates now repeat table header on other pages
v1.8.1 (2013-07-23)
- Fixed displaying of images in Catalog table in administration (PrestaShop v1.4.3 and newer)
- Fixed Quantity in Catalog table in administration (PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.8.0 (2013-06-18)
- New feature for creating a PDF catalog page in the product detail page
- New template "Catalog page"
- Improved translation support in PrestaShop v1.5
- New data for all images of a product in catalog
- Fixed "Function cacheImage() is deprecated" warning (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed "Displayed" filter in Categories data table
- Fixed page numbering for invoices generated in bulk (more templates affected)
v1.7.1 (2013-04-03)
- Compatible with version
- New data with the complete order history
- New tax rates "wrappingCostTaxRate" and "shippingCostTaxRate" in the tax breakdown (all templates edited)
- The tax breakdown is sorted in ascending order
- New template for the Czech invoice "Invoices CZ v1" the tax breakdown according to the last version of Czech tax act
- Improved fonts downloading
- Fixed logo on the invoice, in some cases in PrestaShop v1.5
- Fixed data for product customization
v1.7.0 (2013-03-21)
- mPDF library upgraded to version 5.6.1
Read the upgrade instructions in README.TXT.
HTML5 tags supported
Arabic text (RTL) rewritten with improved support
Bug fixes
Visit for all news
v1.6.6 (2013-03-13)
- Amounts can be displayed without the currency (Smarty function displayPriceCountry)
- Lists of customers and orders in the administration of the module have a default sort descending
- New data from the table stock_available for quantity in the catalog (PrestaShop v1.5)
- New template Products label
- Cancelled checking fsockopen function during installation (occasional false reports)
- Fixed obsolete call of several functions in PrestaShop v1.5
- Fixed all catalog templates not showing the images in some PrestaShop v1.4 versions
- Fixed printing according to the selected language in the administration of the module
v1.6.5 (2013-01-16)
- Added printing from BackOffice Orders tab, section Documents - only invoice generated on-fly from the order is supported (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed an issue with invoice creating in the module for e-mail in some incompatible payment modules
- Fixed "Tools::property_exists() has been deprecated" warnings (PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.6.4 (2013-01-09)
- Added data "parents_categories", "parents_categories_level", "parents_categories_array" for Catalog
- New template "Catalog sorted by category organized in grid"
- Fixed an installation issue in PrestaShop v1.1 - 1.4
v1.6.3 (2012-12-14)
- Added packs data for Orders with details
- Added Smarty modifier sortby (allows arrays to be sorted by given field in templates)
- Patched mpdf.php library to avoid "regular expression is too large" error in rare cases (you need to replace /modules/m4pdf/mpdf/mpdf.php file)
- New template "Invoices - grouped by categories, packs itemized"
- New template "Delivery slips with barcode"
- Fixed item price in invoices when more discounts are occured at once (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed displaying images in invoices (PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.6.2 (2012-11-26)
- Added Supply orders with items section (Prestashop v1.5)
- Added product data for order items
- Added data about Product location in warehouses for order items (only PrestaShop v1.5 with advanced stock management enabled)
- New template "Invoices - Integrated label 85x54 mm" with the Location column
- New template "Catalog filtered by specific prices occurrence" for separated printing of catalogs with special prices
- New template "Supply orders"
- Fixed sending of invoices by email (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed DatePicker in the administration of the module (PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed specific prices in data of catalog
- Fixed an invoice item price when an order changed manually in BackOffice (PrestaShop v1.5)
v1.6.1 (2012-11-09)
- Added option to generate a PDF from the customer's account (such as membership cards)
- Added support for templates included into the master template
- New Template "Membership card" with a demonstration of included templates
- Added the default group of the customer to data (Customers)
- Added Smarty constant current_time
- Fixed displaying images in the catalog templates in some cases
- Fixed duplicated products in the catalog (only PrestaShop v1.5 with multi-shop feature)
- Fixed text translations in the templates in the administration of orders (only PrestaShop v1.5)
- Fixed deleting templates compiled in Debug mode (Windows server only and module version 1.6.0)
- Fixed graphics in category tree in the module administration (PrestaShop v1.4 and later)
v1.6.0 (2012-10-25)
- Compatible with version 1.5 (the older orders are displayed equally and with the correct amounts after upgrading)
- Compatible with version (change in the Smarty get_template_vars function)
- Added public messages to the templates - order_public_message
- Added Smarty function add_months (to add a integer to a date)
- Added specific prices to catalog
- Added Spanish and Farsi translation
- New template "Invoices with more columns"
- New template "Catalog with specific prices, filtered"
- New template "Podaci harok" (Slovak Post form)
- Two new templates for address labels
- Searching by carrier in Orders and Orders with details also (the module administration)
- Fixed Pre-Tax Total Summary amount in VAT breakdown (when more than one VAT rate at once occured)
- Fixed amount in VAT breakdown in credit slips (when multiple pieces returned)
v1.5.2 (2012-06-26)
- New templates "Invoices - dual RTL and LTR" and "Delivery slips - dual RTL and LTR"
- Added Smarty constants user_rtl_lang and pdf_rtl_lang
- Added information about the language order_lang in data for templates (invoices and delivery slips)
- Smarty function displayPriceCountry now supports translation of currency symbols
- All templates now support negative vouchers
- Added test for the presence of fsockopen function
- Fixed a language selection option in the administration when the module is not activated
- Removed "Function hideCategoryPosition () is deprecated" warnings in PrestaShop v1.4.1.0 and newer
v1.5.1 (2012-06-20)
- Added product features data in Catalog templates
- Added Catalog with attributes and features template
- Added FreeSans, FreeSerif a FreeMono (GNU FreeFont) fonts
It contains some characters missing in other fonts (for example ﷼)
v1.5.0 (2012-06-01)
- Used mPDF library version 5.4
Read the upgrade instructions in README.TXT.
Added support for QR codes
Improved support for right-to-left languages
Improved support for gradients and SVG images
Improved CSS support
Visit for all news of mPDF v5.1 to v5.4 - Texts in templates now support inheritance from core PDF translates.
- New template 'Invoices - Arabic' - use arabic fonts, order items and VAT breakdown are in right-to-left table
- Fixed the header and footer displaying if "Minify HTML" option in PrestaShop v1.4 is turned on
v1.4.2 (2012-05-09)
- Added option to save the default settings for printing in the customer's language
- Fixed Delivery slips numbering
- Removed "Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated" warnings
v1.4.1 (2012-05-02)
- Added Smarty function displayPriceCountry (formats amounts according to the customer's country)
- New templates Invoices with localized amounts and Credit slips with localized amounts
- Change in VAT breakdown for credit slips (amounts are negative now, templates was edited)
- Added printing orders and credit slips in the customer's language from the module administration and orders tab (changes in templates)
- Fixed obsolete constant _PS_OS_SHIPPING_
v1.4.0 (2012-04-24)
- Added invoice and delivery address object to display them correctly in template (thanks GFY)
- Added a new section to print from the administration - Categories
- Added invoice and delivery address object in the administration section of Customers
- Added template for mailing labels 105 x 48 cm with the top and bottom edge (4 mm)
- Added template for mailing labels 105 x 48 cm with an edge printable from the list of customers
- Added more templates for invoice and delivery note (e.g. with pictures)
- Added constant for templates smarty_version_3
- Added Smarty functions imageLink and productCoverImageLink
- CJK font substitution, it is now possible to display all JP, KR, CN, TW characters at once
- Removed unused data in the breakdown of VAT totalsWithoutTax totalsWithTax
- Fixed incorrect base and tax amounts in the breakdown of VAT on some version of PrestaShop
- Fixed cash on delivery voucher template C (syntax error at line 147)
- Fixed overlapping items and footer for multiple page output invoices and delivery notes
- Fixed indentation in Carrier VAT rate on invoices
v1.3.2 (2011-10-25)
- Fixed wrong dates displaying in order list in BackOffice
- Fixed wrong dates filtering in order list in BackOffice
- Added new type of template - address labels on sheet with margin
v1.3.1 (2011-10-17)
- Added debug HTML output in BackOffice
- Templates are not stored in cache in debug mode
- Improved text layout in BackOffice
v1.3.0 (2011-10-12)
- Fixed wrong price for invoice items with amount reductions which appeared in version and later
- Fixed mass printing from administration of invoices
- Added mass printing of credit slips
- It is possible to make a PDF in inactive language now
- New Link object for templates
- The new configuration value 'protocol_content' for templates
- The new configuration values 'logo_invoice' and 'logo' for templates
- Use 'logo_invoice' in all templates
- Improved templates to use the new file system for images
- Added 'Invoices or orders' template - make the order if there is no invoice
v1.2.5 (2011-07-12)
- Private order messages is now available in data for templates (invoices and delivery slips)
- Added default product category data in Catalog templates and BackOffice list display
- Added two catalog templates
- Improved .htaccess file in /tpl directory
- Added PHP mbstring extension support test in BackOffice
- 35 templates is now available
v1.2.4 (2011-04-27)
- Compatible with version 1.4
- Added template for delivery slip with a total weight
- Customer order message is now available in data for templates (Orders with items)
- Substantial changes in data for the templates (if using your own template):
x - removed
+ - added
(version) - PrestaShop version where there is a change in data
x order.carrier.id_tax (
x* (
+ order.carrier_tax_rate (
x order.customer.dni (
+ order.address_invoice.dni (
+ order.address_delivery.dni (
x product.id_tax (
x* (
+ product.default_country_tax.* (
x product.reduction_price (
x product.reduction_percent (
x product.reduction_from (
x product.reduction_to (
v1.2.3 (2011-02-03)
- Fixed wrong amounts supplied for invoice items with reductions which appeared in version and later
- Eliminated all notices in PHP development environment
- Added Smarty modifier add_days
- Added an user-defined configuration to templates which starts with PS_SHOP_
v1.2.2 (2011-02-02)
- The module can be now distributed with or without mPDF core fonts embedded
v1.2.1 (2011-01-31)
- Fixed error messages that occur in PHP E_STRICT mode
- Changes related to changing the domain name to
v1.2.0 (2011-01-28)
- Used mPDF library version 5.0 which reads directly from .ttf TrueType font files. Generated PDF files are 15-400 times smaller.
Read the upgrade instructions in README.TXT.
v1.1.4 (2011-01-25)
- Improved all invoice templates when items with zero price occurred
v1.1.3 (2011-01-21)
- Improved downloading required and optional libraries
v1.1.2 (2011-01-18)
- Texts in templates now support some kind of inheritance. It will do a translation for new templates more easy.
Child templates are all templates with the name expanded by one or more underscores (m4_invoice.tpl -> m4_invoice_label.tpl -> m4_invoice_label_a4.tpl)
If not exists a translated text in the child template (e.g. m4_invoice_label_a4.tpl),
the translated text of the parental template will be used (e.g. m4_invoice_label.tpl or m4_invoice.tpl), and so forth.
v1.1.1 (2011-01-12)
- Added customization data for templates and modified the invoice template
v1.1.0 (2010-12-30)
- Completely reworked installation of the library and additional fonts (no more separate files)
- Enhanced post-installation checks
- Removed custom Smarty modifiers from /tools/smarty directory
- Removed "Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated" warnings
v1.0.6 (2010-12-23)
- Removed a bug in PDF email attachements which appeared in some payment methods (COD)
v1.0.5 (2010-12-20)
- Added 4 new templates for the Czech Post documents
v1.0.4 (2010-12-05)
- Removed a bug in translation, which occurred in the case of multiple themes and multiple languages simultaneously
- Removed a bug in BO during generation of the delivery slip in Orders
v1.0.3 (2010-11-26)
- Removed a bug in the method priceDisplayMethod() which appeared in version 1.2
- Added a constant PS_VERSION to the Debug template
v1.0.2 (2010-10-20)
- Added debug mode in Back Office
v1.0.1 (2010-10-19)
- Removed the bug in the method dateFormatLanguage() for date 0000-00-00
- Improved templates for non-existent invoice or delivery slip:
Delivery slips, Invoices, Invoices - Chinese, Invoices - Integrated label and Orders
v1.0.0 (2010-09-26)